I have successfully auto-compiled the servlet(HelloWorld2.java) by following the 
instruction in the documentation.  

However, I wanted to compile the servlet with JDK 1.3 compiler to compile the servlet 
and I did not succeed.

Your documentation says:

"Of course you can also compile the Servlets using your favourite IDE or java 
compiler. If you do so you simply put the Servlet class in the WEB-INF/classes 
directory of your web application. If you do not want to package your Servlets into a 
new web application, you can simply put the classes in 
/orion/default-web-app/WEB-INF/classes/ "

I tried to put the HelloWorld2.java under WEB_INF/classes directory. It won't compile. 
I got errror mesasges: like:

HelloWorldServlet2.java:2: package javax.servlet does not exist import javax.servlet.*;

I guess the problem is the path... If so can you tell me how to set the path so that 
my Java compile can compile the servlet? I am using orion 1.0.1.

Thanks a lot,


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