I am working on a typical shopping cart type application based on J2EE
and we are proposing the Orion Server with our software. I am a bit
stuck with the problem of Credit Card Authorization in supplying credit
card details to a clearing house and receiving a response. I would like
to do this from the server side. The Vendor identified by us wants us to
invoke an SSL socket on a given port and send information via a standard
POST request and will return a standard response. Both the request and
response can and will be stamped with a unique reference. 
The problem is the single nominated port and the fact that threads are
handled within the J2EE container.
Perhaps someone has been able to solve this problem and I would be
grateful for any suggestions or possible solutions to this problem.


Gamini de Alwis
> Software Developer
> Business Manager Software
> Tel  (03) 9813 3022. Fax  (03) 9882 5887

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