Thank you Victor for your suggestion. I do not want a secure area within
Orion as yet. At this stage I want to get a connection to the Secure
Site handling the payment. Do I still need to configure SSL within Orion
and have a JCE Provider? 
When I tried to get a connection I got a SSL implementation not available
Is it because I have not configured or because jsse.jar is not found?

Gamini de Alwis
Software Developer
Business Manager Software
Tel  (03) 9813 3022. Fax  (03) 9882 5887

-----Original Message-----
From: Victor A. Salaman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 9:21 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Credit Card Authorization

No problem... create a stateless session bean, and make the connection
there. You should be familiar with the JSSE to create this ssl
connection to
the credit card transaction acquirer. From this session bean, you create
connection, send the data and wait for a response and follow your
procedures based on that response.

some common pitfalls:
1. replace orion's ssl jars with current ones from Sun's site
2. since you are in autralia, you might want to use a different JCE
   a good one can be found at
3. generate your server certificate request (keytool) with the RSA

Other than that, you should refer to the JSSE docs...

-- Victor

-----Original Message-----
From: Gamini de Alwis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 1:46 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Credit Card Authorization

I am working on a typical shopping cart type application based on J2EE
and we are proposing the Orion Server with our software. I am a bit
stuck with the problem of Credit Card Authorization in supplying credit
card details to a clearing house and receiving a response. I would like
to do this from the server side. The Vendor identified by us wants us to
invoke an SSL socket on a given port and send information via a standard
POST request and will return a standard response. Both the request and
response can and will be stamped with a unique reference. 
The problem is the single nominated port and the fact that threads are
handled within the J2EE container.
Perhaps someone has been able to solve this problem and I would be
grateful for any suggestions or possible solutions to this problem.


Gamini de Alwis
> Software Developer
> Business Manager Software
> Tel  (03) 9813 3022. Fax  (03) 9882 5887

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