BTW, you CAN access files, but this also may harm multi-host scalability

There's however ways of doing this, for example, a jdbc-file driver (a jdbc
driver that fires upon a filesystem instead
of a database); I think there's one freely available from an O'Reilly book
on servlets (i used to have it while I worked
in Argentina, but lost it when moved to Chile)

However, have in mind that accessing to the LOCAL filesystems (and not a
single fs) will affect your app's scalability
I've had this problem and had to solve it by building a distributed service
that replicates and synchronizes dirs (sorry guys, can't release it). That's
the primary reason fs didn't make the spec; the lack of a good jdbc-fs
driver is the other.

My $0.02


-----Original Message-----
From: Juan Lorandi (Chile) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Martes, 30 de Enero de 2001 11:26
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Session EJB Accessibility

why many clients? is that a 'performance enhancement'? (orion's got a pool
of objects, so no perf enhancements to do)
do you wish to model a singleton?

please, elaborate further.


PS: shoooting from the hip.... a stateless session bean with its fields set
up as 

public static MyFieldType myfield;

won't do? (altough obviously a multi VM solution totally craps this pattern)

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Bernardinis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Martes, 30 de Enero de 2001 5:18
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: Session EJB Accessibility

I don't want to do any database activity. I just want this Java Object to be
accessible as an EJB accessible by many different clients hosted by an
Application Server. The object doesn't have to be stateful either.

> It sounds like you're describing an entity bean more than a session
> bean.  An entity bean can be called by many clients although access is
> serialized.  And certainly the role of an entity bean is to
> encapsulate data in a apparently-storage-mechanism-independent manner,
> from the client's perspective...
> How does the notion of a session play into what you want the bean
> to do?
>       Gary
> Mark Bernardinis ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>> Requirements:
>> An EJB to be Stateful
>> Accessible by more than client
>> Share the same data object and information
>> Summarising the above information, I would like to have an EJB that
>> can be called by many clients yet share the same underlying data
>> within the bean. These clients may be another application running
>> under Orion or a stand-alone application.
>> Is this possible, and if it is, what special requirements do I need to
>> meet. I have looked at SessionContext but does this have anything to
>> do with it?
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Mark

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