I'm confused by your comments; does it need to manage state, or doesn't
it?  I'm assuming it does, otherwise you would just use a stateless
session bean.

Here's some fodder for conversation:

I don't think there is an EJB facility which will help you.  SLSBs are
pooled and can timeout, SFSBs have no lookup mechanism, can timeout, and
aren't reentrant (although Orion, despite the spec, serializes calls,
which is good), and entity beans will get all wacky because of the
multiple instances you will get from an optimistic concurrency model.

It seems like what you want is either a SLSB which never times out and
is guaranteed to only have one instance in the pool, or a BMP entity
bean with a guarantee of serialized transactions.

Is it possible to make Orion do either of these?  And what would happen
in a clustered solution?

I propose that the only server-independent way to do what you want is to
use an RMI server.  The EJB specification really needs a
"SingletonBean", preferrably one which allows concurrent calls (and thus
reasonable performance).



>-----Original Message-----
>From: Mark Bernardinis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2001 12:18 AM
>To: Orion-Interest
>Subject: Re: Session EJB Accessibility
>I don't want to do any database activity. I just want this 
>Java Object to be
>accessible as an EJB accessible by many different clients hosted by an
>Application Server. The object doesn't have to be stateful either.
>> It sounds like you're describing an entity bean more than a session
>> bean.  An entity bean can be called by many clients although 
>access is
>> serialized.  And certainly the role of an entity bean is to
>> encapsulate data in a 
>apparently-storage-mechanism-independent manner,
>> from the client's perspective...
>> How does the notion of a session play into what you want the bean
>> to do?
>>      Gary
>> Mark Bernardinis ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>>> Requirements:
>>> An EJB to be Stateful
>>> Accessible by more than client
>>> Share the same data object and information
>>> Summarising the above information, I would like to have an EJB that
>>> can be called by many clients yet share the same underlying data
>>> within the bean. These clients may be another application running
>>> under Orion or a stand-alone application.
>>> Is this possible, and if it is, what special requirements 
>do I need to
>>> meet. I have looked at SessionContext but does this have anything to
>>> do with it?
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Mark

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