Here are the command line (using ant) that I use to initially deploy my
application for the very first time!

    <target name="admindeployorion" depends="init">
        <echo>Deploying application for the very first time to host.</echo>
        <exec dir="c:\orion" executable="java">
            <arg line="-jar admin.jar ormi://${mol.deployhost} admin
password -deploy -file '${mol.ear}' -deploymentName 'mol'" />
    <target name="bindwebapporion" depends="init">
        <echo>Binding the web application to context-root</echo>
        <exec dir="c:\orion" executable="java">
            <arg line="-jar admin.jar ormi://${mol.deployhost} admin
password -bindWebApp 'mol' 'mol' 'default-web-site' '/mims'" />

After I have done this, server.xml and default-web-site.xml are modified and
it works great. However, don't use this the second time otherwise you will
keep getting a underscore prepend to your ear file and new unzipped
directories will appear--ughhh! Instead just copy this file to the
orion\applications directory and overwrite your previous *.ear file.

Good luck,
Ozzie Gurkan

----- Original Message -----
From: "James Manning" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2001 11:45 AM
Subject: auto-deploying without editing config/*.xml

> I asked this once before as part of another thread and didn't get
> an answer, so I'll try in a new thread :)
> The feature I like about jBoss the most is the auto-deploy directory
> where i can just drop in a .war/.ear/.jar and it gets deployed
> as per the xml files already in the file.  From what I've seen,
> if you're using Orion you're forced to edit config/server.xml and
> config/default-web-site.xml for the application, and then the
> webapp inside it, to be deployed.
> Is this correct?  If not (I hope :), how can I setup such a dir?
> (or at least not have to edit config/default-web-site.xml on each
> new webapp).
> FWIW, this is mainly for a mass-migration of webapps off of tomcat :)
> James
> --
> James Manning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> GPG Key fingerprint = B913 2FBD 14A9 CE18 B2B7  9C8E A0BF B026 EEBB F6E4

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