Dude, do you really think a Swedish company with a handful of employees
is going to be able to field a worldwide army of training professionals?
My guess is that the entire world population of Orion experts is reading
this right now; depending on where you are, a nicely phrased request and
an offering of beer might turn up a few volunteers :-) 

Orion is already free for noncommercial use, so your licensing is
covered.  But do realize that Orion, at least organizationally, is
closer to a community-supported open source project than a BEA.  Maybe
that will change at some point.


>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 9:41 PM
>To: Orion-Interest
>Cc: Orion-Interest
>Subject: Re: RE: Any news from Orion yet??
>Running a training program for EJB's gives me a different 
>perspective when dealing with EJB application vendors like 
>Orion.  My experience is that they (expensive vendors like BEA 
>) offer institutions like mine free licences and trainers in 
>the hopes that newly educated programmers would evangelize 
>their products.  I have repeatedly asked for assistance in 
>training engineers in EJB's using the Orion product.  They 
>have refused to answer.  All we ask is that they provide us 
>with a single license so that we may set up an interactive 
>training site for distance education for a "Java and the 
>Internet Course".
>If they truly wish to educate java-programers in Orion, you'd 
>think they'd jump at this.  We charge no money for training, 
>and we benefit the independant learner in the ways of 
>programming EJB's with Orion.
>This course is open to all, but Orion's lack of response means 
>none of us can gain from it.  
>If you would like to learn more about the mystery of EJB'S, 
>LET ORION KNOW. We need your help.
>Mike Van
>C.E.O. JUGerNaut
>>---- Original Message ---
>>From: Kemp Randy-W18971 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: RE: Any news from Orion yet??
>> I don't knock the higher priced products, and they do have 
>the lion's share of the market, and many large companies run 
>big applications on them.  Personally, I feel as many low 
>price (Orion) and open source (jboss, etc.) mature, more 
>people will ride that path.  Look at the history of Apache, 
>and now 60 % of the world's servers run it.  Developers see 
>that the low priced and open source options are maturing and 
>proving themselves.  It's just a matter of time.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Konstantin Polyzois
>>To: Orion-Interest
>>Sent: 2/13/01 6:56 AM
>>Subject: RE: Any news from Orion yet??
>>"Weblogic (and the high priced products like Websphere) are great..." 
>>Speaking as someone who has done development using Websphere (3.0 &
>>It sucks! Don't use it for anything but JSP or servlets. It 
>has so many
>>flaws that I don't even want to get in to them!!
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Kemp Randy-W18971
>>To: Orion-Interest
>>Sent: 2001-02-12 13:58
>>Subject: RE: Any news from Orion yet??
>>Weblogic (and the high priced products like Websphere) are 
>great, if you
>>want to pay the price.  They come with nice tools like front 
>end gui's,
>>good documentation, paid support, etc.  But if you look for 
>the opinions
>>of developers who have used these products, and compared them 
>to Orion,
>>jboss, etc., they would say the EJB capacies are no better then the
>>other high priced products.  In order of ranking, here's how I look at
>>the other products.
>>1 Orion -- This product is ready now, but I haven't seen anyone from
>>this list run a Sears store on it.
>>2. Jboss (www.jboss.org) -- The founders are very bright, have five
>>hundred developers on the projects, have EJB heavies 
>contributing to the
>>list, and it's a very easy to use product.  Personally, even though it
>>is ready for production now, I would wait for it to mature a bit more.
>>It's like a fine wine -- drink it now, and it is OK, or allow 
>it to age
>>a bit then drink it (like jboss 3.0 final).
>>3. Openejb (www.openejb.org) - this project has a very bright and well
>>known person heading it, and it is slated to be intergrated 
>with Tomcat
>>and Apache.  It has yet to prove itself, as it is not yet ready for
>>production release.  But it has good future promise.
>>4. Jonas (www.evidian.com/jonas) - This is a good product, 
>but it is not
>>as advanced as the other two open source products and I don't 
>think they
>>have as many people behind them.
>>5. Enhydra enterprise (www.enhydra.org).  If you like the enhydra
>>application server, this product has potential.  But it is not
>>production ready yet and it intergrates with the jonas server.  
>>  In summary, Orion is here now but can it run Sears?  Jboss is ready
>>but I would let it mature a bit more for production environments.
>>Openejb and Enhydra have great potential, but they are not 
>ready yet and
>>have to prove themselves.  Jonas is OK but I prefer the other open
>>source alternatives. 
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Anthony W. Marino
>>To: Orion-Interest
>>Sent: 2/11/01 9:06 AM
>>Subject: Re: Any news from Orion yet??
>>On another note, can you and/or someone, qualify/quantify 
>what you mean
>>the following previously made statement :
>>"For the most part, Orion is still very much ahead of the 
>pack, and the
>>speed is stil EXCELLENT."
>>In the Apache Tomcat list I asked the following question:
>>"Can someone suggest to me what Apache and/or other 
>OpenSource products
>>be integrated to compete with functionally and/or considered 
>in the same
>>category as BEA WebLogic?  
>>I don't necessarily need all of what BEA has to offer at this time,
>>I would like to know, generally, what it would take to get 
>there without
>>big $$$$$ price tag."
>>Thank You,
>>On Monday 15 January 2001 15:20, you wrote:
>>> On Mon, 15 Jan 2001, Jason Boehle wrote:
>>> > WL6 has support for EARs.  They also support all of the 
>EJB 2.0 spec
>>> > except for dependent objects.  In fact, I am currently 
>using WL6 for
>>> > development instead of Orion, due to the apparent lack of
>>> > going on in the Orion team on EJB 2.0.  I had suggested to my boss
>>> > we use Orion, as I had been lurking and following it for several
>>> > and saw that it always met the latest specs first, etc. - 
>now I feel
>>> > for doing so, as they haven't had a new release in 
>several months...
>>> Of course, this is a little unfair - weblogic hadn't had a 
>new release
>>> several months, either. They've just had a major release recently,
>>> makes it seem like they're more active than Orion, when that's not
>>> necessarily the case. It might be, but that's not implied by the
>>> at present.
>>> For the most part, Orion is still very much ahead of the 
>pack, and the
>>> speed is stil EXCELLENT. While I'm very much looking 
>forward to a new
>>> round of released bug fixes, I'm still waiting for some things to
>>> out before I abandon ship.
>>> > -----Original Message-----
>>> > From: Santosh Kumar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>> > Sent: Monday, January 15, 2001 12:57 AM
>>> > To: Orion-Interest
>>> > Subject: Re: Any news from Orion yet??
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Hi kevin,
>>> >         As far as i have known WL5.1 or <, there is no concept of
>>> > files, does 6.0 include
>>> > that. Doesn't the J2EE mandate (I am not sure!) the use of EAR =
>>WAR  +
>>> > JAR + CAR(or JAR)?
>>> > To deploy the JPS1.1.1 on Orion, it is a piece of cake, while
>>> > on WLS, i have to
>>> > unpack the EAR files and dis-integrate them which is 
>contrary to the
>>> > essence of packaging the ear files,
>>> > Even meddling with the ugly weblogic.properties frustrates one and
>>> > Is that true with all WLS users?
>>> >
>>> > Orion is a neat impl of J2EE,  is WLS6.0?
>>> >
>>> > Regards,
>>> > Santosh.
>>> > ----- Original Message -----
>>> > From: Kevin Duffey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> > To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> > Sent: Monday, January 15, 2001 12:07 PM
>>> > Subject: RE: Any news from Orion yet??
>>> >
>>> > > I am not one to advocate another product, but WL6 looks nice. It
>>> > > easy
>>> >
>>> > to
>>> >
>>> > > work with compared to WL5.1. Orion is still the best. 
>JBoss looks
>>> > > interesting as well.
>>> > >
>>> > > > -----Original Message-----
>>> > > > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> > > > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
>>> > > > Burnell
>>> > > > Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2001 2:26 PM
>>> > > > To: Orion-Interest
>>> > > > Cc: Orion-Interest
>>> > > > Subject: FW: Any news from Orion yet??
>>> > > >
>>> > > >
>>> > > > Yes - pls Orion people, publish some news & update Orion ...
>>> > > >
>>> > > > We are looking to buy at least 3 licences over the next few
>>weeks if
>>> > > > everything is ok
>>> > > >
>>> > > > Cheers
>>> > > >
>>> > > > Neville Burnell
>>> > > > Business Manager Software
>>> > > >
>>> > > > -----Original Message-----
>>> > > > From: Duffey, Kevin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>> > > > Sent: Sunday, 14 January 2001 12:45 PM
>>> > > > To: Orion-Interest
>>> > > > Subject: Any news from Orion yet??
>>> > > >
>>> > > >
>>> > > > Hi all,
>>> > > >
>>> > > > Has anyone heard from the team lately? I know I saw a 
>post about
>>> > > > month or
>>> > > > so ago. Its been about 3 or 4 months since anything 
>has changed
>>> > > > their site, if not longer and now its getting me 
>worried. I can
>>> > > > understand them
>>> > > > trying to organize the company, but did production stop on the
>>> > > > server? I
>>> > > > wish there was some news once every couple of weeks or so from
>>> > > > on their
>>> > > > site letting us know what is happening.
>>> > > >
>>> > > > Thanks.
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------
>>> Joseph B. Ottinger                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> http://epesh.com/                             IT Consultant

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