dear all,
i have a question about running multiple identical database in an ASP (application service provider) environment.
we currently use stateless session beans only and handle database connection pooling ourselves.
this allows us to have a single ejb server connection to 1 of several identical databases.
new clients have a new database created for them, and their config information entered into our own config file.
based on their login, we run the ejb method using a connection from a connection pool pointing at their db.
how would we do the equivalent to this if we were to rewrite some parts of the system as entity beans?
the problem is that i can't see how their login information would get propagated down to entity bean level so that i could get a reference to the correct datasource. it's easy enough when you're just using SLSB's.
e.g. pseudo code for what we do currently.
    public someMethod( Identity id ) {
        get connection from pool based on id.databaseId
        pass the connection down as a parameter to each method that requires db access
        return connection to pool
how would this work with entity beans?
e.g. dodgy code, but just to show you roughly what i mean.
private Connection getConnection() throws SQLException, RemoteException {
    DataSource ds = null;
    // <<<Somehow get db that user should be accessing here>>>
    // e.g. int databaseId = entityContext.getDBId()
    try {
        Context ic = new InitialContext();
        ds = (DataSource)ic.lookup( "jdbc/MyAppDS" + databaseId );
    } catch(NamingException e) {
        throw new RemoteException("Could not obtain DataSource: " + e);
    return ds.getConnection();

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