It sounds like you have a page that creates the entry and then does a server side forrward to the list page.
So every time you reload the initial URL a new entry is created.
Now, whats strange with that?
You should maybee check how your EJBs are created and replace that forward with an redirect (to change the URL).
-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Skickat: den 16 februari 2001 10:27
Till: Orion-Interest
Ämne: Weirdness on Reload

After I create a record in a DB, I come back to a list page, where I see the newly
created data row on the list page. OK so far. If I press the browser's reload button
the same row as the newly created one duplicates itself. Everytime I press the
reload button, it keeps adding the identical data record in the DB.
What gives? Please give me any clue.
I really appreciate any idea in advance.

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