This has been discussed before, so there are postings in the archive.

The problem lies in the Class files themselves. Java Class files have
16 bits limitations, as well as others. The primary issue appears to
be the large number of string constants generated by JSP pages. I
believe that workarounds were suggested in the previous postings.


> I get the following error using Orion 1.4.7 w/ JDK 1.3 on Redhat.
> Error creating jsp-page instance: java.lang.VerifyError: (class:
> __jspPage11_register_regstep2_jsp, method: _jspService signature:
> (Ljavax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest;Ljavax/servlet/http/HttpServletRespo
> nse;)V) Illegal target of jump or branch
> It is due to a large JSP file (mainly due to a lot of tags, not a lot of
> logic).  If I start eliminating some of the tags (doesn't matter which ones)
> the problem goes away.
> I've tried increasing my JVM heap. No luck.
> Where is this limitation coming from? My JVM? Orion?
> The only way to get around it that works is by writing taglibs to eliminate
> the amount of code in the JSP.  Any other suggestions?

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