Falk Langhammer wrote:
> This should mean that 'falk' is logged in and is in role 'master' and

I have verified that 'request.isUserInRole("master")==true' in the
web-tier. There must be a problem in the EJB container.


I meanwhile found a posting:
>From: Peter Delahunty 
>Subject: I have solved the security problem in Orion 
>Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 05:30:38 -0800 

This posting states that more than one role accessing a method cannot be
configured. This INHO would be a severe bug and would render the J2EE
security model close to useless with Orion.

We *do* have this situation: 4 roles of 'master', 'editor', 'publisher'
and 'any'.

In another posting I found that role and group names must be equal.

In turn this means that only one group can access any bean method.

Thus, do I have to leave Orion alone when it comes to security issues?
Any bugfixes which have appeared or which are announced. I have a hard
time to believe that these basics dont func.

Dr. Falk Langhammer
Living Pages Research GmbH
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