I have put quite an effort into making the CMP 2.0 features work, using both
Orion 1.4.5 and 1.4.7 out of the box. I have narrowed my problem down to

I have several uni-directional relationships, both 1:N and 1:1 and they seem
to work just fine. For instance, when I create a new ejb A which knows
another ejb B through a 1:1 relationship Orion stores ejb A along with the
foreign key from ejb B. Yabbadabbadoo! However, my excitement comes to an
end after I restart Orion. When I call A.getB() i get a null. - Orion does
not use the key of B stored in A to raise an ejb of type B for me.

Below is my ejb-relation definition - any hints would be G R A T E L Y


   <!-- this is the unidirectional relationship from many A to one B -->

    <multiplicity>Many</multiplicity> <!-- NOTE: I have tried both One and
Many here -->
    <!-- no cmr fields; unidirectional relationship -->

My ejb A is specified as


NOTE: I know "b" should not be mentioned here according to the specification
because it is a cmr-field. I have put it here because Jim Archers example
mentiones the need to do so on Orion. I have verified that if I don't, I get
a deployment error (saying that getB() and setB() cannot be abstract methods
for Orion to implement).

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