I must admit -- I am still confused about the Sun
agreement preventing a J2EE server from sharing the
source code.  I get the feeling that Orion would be
open to this, if the terms with Sun would allow it.  I
found out recently that Resin (www.caucho.com), which
has made the highly successful JSP engine, is building
an EJB server, which will have the source code
available.  Of course, the open source EJB servers,
like openejb, Jboss, and jonas, have the source code
available. So why would this be good for Orion or
anyone, when Orion has such brainy people building
their product?  If you don't think they are brainy,
the download the Sun spec for EJB and try building it
yourself.  The answer lies in numbers.  If there are
10 people, for example, building and supporting Orion,
and 2000 + brainy people on this list, what has the
greater potential for solving problems the quickest? 
Ten people or two thousand people? 

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