Assuming I am reading the web app DTD correctly, I believe you need 
to have either an <error-code> OR an <exception-type>, but not both 
defined for an <error-page>.  Try removing the <error-code> tag.

Kent Kvarfordt

> <DISCLAIMER>I have extensively searched the list archives and the sun jsp
> forum first</DISCLAIMER>
> Hi, 
> We have set up a number of Jsp error pages specific to each of the custom
> exceptions that we throw.
> I am unable to get the custom error pages to work.
> When my error jsp pages try to access the implicit exception object, the
> following error appears in the browser:
> Recursive error in error-page calling for /error/JspException.jsp, see the
> application log for details.
> Even with the standard jspexception it doesnt work.
> The tag handler throws this jspException
> -------------------------------
>   throw new JspException("" + thisTagName + "]The object XXXXX is null." );
> -------------------------------
> In the web.xml, I have the following:
>   -------------------------------
>  <error-page>
>   <error-code>500</error-code>
>   <exception-type>javax.servlet.jsp.JspException</exception-type> 
>   <location>/error/JspException.jsp</location> 
>  </error-page>
>   -------------------------------
> The error page appears if I take out any reference to the implicit exception
> object.
> But as soon as I put any reference to it in, it breask with the error shown
> above.
> This is a basic version of the jsp. It fails beacuse of the
> exception.toString()
> -------------------------------
> <HTML>
> <HEAD>
> <%@ page isErrorPage="true" %>
> <%@ page import="ilaunch.exception.*", javax.servlet.jsp.*, javax.servlet.*
> %></HEAD>
> <BODY bgcolor="white">
> <H2>JspException</H2>
> <%= exception.toString() %>
> </BODY>
> </HTML>
> -------------------------------
> I have never been able to access the exception object from the jsp error
> page.
> Is it just me, or is it a feature of Orion. I am tempted to test my .ear
> file on another app server, but I dont have the time.
> The mapping within the web.xml file seems to work ok.
> If I can't resolve this at all, I'll have to revert to inserting attributes
> into the request object, which is hardly elegant.
> Any assistance with this would be very gratefully appreciated.
> Grant Doran
> Principal Architect
> iLaunch inc.
> (02) 89207947

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