This happened to us when we actually had an exception on the exception
handling page (or a page that the exception handling redirects to or
We had to make our error page very simple.

-----Original Message-----
From: Grant Doran [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2001 9:42 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Recursion error in error-page

<DISCLAIMER>I have extensively searched the list archives and the sun jsp
forum first</DISCLAIMER>
We have set up a number of Jsp error pages specific to each of the custom
exceptions that we throw.
I am unable to get the custom error pages to work.
When my error jsp pages try to access the implicit exception object, the
following error appears in the browser:
Recursive error in error-page calling for /error/JspException.jsp, see the
application log for details.

Even with the standard jspexception it doesnt work.
The tag handler throws this jspException
  throw new JspException("" + thisTagName + "]The object XXXXX is null." );

In the web.xml, I have the following:


The error page appears if I take out any reference to the implicit exception
But as soon as I put any reference to it in, it breask with the error shown
This is a basic version of the jsp. It fails beacuse of the

<%@ page isErrorPage="true" %>
<%@ page import="ilaunch.exception.*", javax.servlet.jsp.*, javax.servlet.*
<BODY bgcolor="white">
<%= exception.toString() %>

I have never been able to access the exception object from the jsp error
Is it just me, or is it a feature of Orion. I am tempted to test my .ear
file on another app server, but I dont have the time.
The mapping within the web.xml file seems to work ok.
If I can't resolve this at all, I'll have to revert to inserting attributes
into the request object, which is hardly elegant.
Any assistance with this would be very gratefully appreciated.

Grant Doran
Principal Architect
iLaunch inc.
(02) 89207947

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