> I don't know about everyone else, but I had a real difficult time
        > started with Orion (coming from WebLogic).  It seemed like I was
stumped at 
        > every turn.  I know there are a few tutorials, but I found them
difficult to 
        > follow.  Plus, I would rather use standard utilities like Sun's
        > rather than something like Ant.

That depends on your background though. I'm new to the whole EJB thing, but
the only product I tried to use before Orion was a combination of  Visualage
/ Websphere, and I didn't get on with those at all - far too confusing. The
no-nonsense approach of Orion is pretty refreshing, and this mailing list
seems pretty darn useful too.

        > I really like Orion and I would hate to see people turned off from
it just 
        > because they can't get it to work right away.  

Did you get Weblogic to work the first time you tried it? I think a certain
amount of pain is to be expected at first :-)

        > For newbies, it's really more 
        > of a problem with the complexity of J2EE than anything
Orion-specific, or at 
        > least it seems that way to me.  

Yes, absolutely. I don't think you can do much about that - at least I can
pretty much see what Orion's doing behind the scenes, unlike a lot of other
products where you just have to press a button or something and it does
everything for you - fine when it works, but a complete disaster when it
suddenly breaks for whatever reason.

        > http://www.4degreez.com/intro.html

I'll take a look. Coming from what's pretty much an open-source background
it's nice to see people taking the time to do things like this - Orion feels
very much like an open-source product (wish it was ;) what with good (IMHO
opinion) information on the website, small efficient footprint, mailing
lists, support sites etc.



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