The other day, somebody posted a well written document on Java2 class
loaders.  I wish I had the url to the document, but I can't find it.  The
gist of the document was this:  All class loaders within a jvm form a
hierarchy with the boot class loader being at the root.  No matter which
class loader in this hierarchy is utilized, it's job is to always delegate
to it's parent class loader before attempting to load anything on it's own.
In this case I belive orion's application class loaders will still be
children of orion's class loader, so classes defined at the class path level
(using orion.jar's classpath manifest attribute) will be used.   Even if you
create a lib entry to jaxp in server.xml or orion-application.xml the jxap
that ships with orion will be used. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Conrad Chan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 4:25 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: JAXP

Have you try to package your version of JAXP files inside your application
archive (ear, war)?  This idea comes from the fact that every class is
identified not only its class name but also which class loader it is loaded
from.  Since Orion supports dynamic loading of application files, it should
be using a custom classloader for every application.  Hence, by theory, you
should be able to use a different JAXP than the one Orion uses.  Of course
it depends on exactly how Orion implements this.  If Orion looks for classes
from the default classloader first, it is still not going to work.  But I
think it does worth a try.

Hope this help


-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Doust [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2001 4:31 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: JAXP

I have been working on this problem all day. I have posted once before and
no one responded. I will try again.
I'm no Java expert and this is just my ignorance, but can anyone tell me if
I'm correct in my assumptions on this.
I am trying to develop server side code that runs under Orion that uses the
JAXP code that Sun has recently released. There are different versions of
parser.jar, xalan.jar and jaxp.jar distributed with Orion. Older ones. I
have tried replacing the older ones with the newer ones because my code
requires the newer ones and I guess that my code will be running in the same
image as Orion. Orion fails to start due to an exception while trying to
parse its configuration files. Putting the old .jar files back, it works
again. So, now it occurs to me that I'm basically stuck running with
whatever version of support code the tools I'm using are dependent on.
If I'm right, that means I can't use the latest version of JAXP until Orion
does? Is that right?

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