Hi everyone,

I am having an issue with my 1-n dependents relationship.  My dependents
don't get deleted when I remove them from the cmr Set.

I have a PhoneNumber dependent class which has a field type, countrycode,
number, etc...

I implemented the equal method in my class such that two phonenumber having
the same type are equal, these type being like "business", "fax", "cell",

Now I have an ejb class, the Customer ejb, which has :

abstract PhoneNumber createPhoneNumber()
abstract Set getPhoneNumbers()
abstract void setPhoneNumbers(Phonenumber n)
void addPhoneNumber(String type, String areaCode, ...)
        PhoneNumber p = createPhoneNumber();
        //Remove an existing phone

Basically since my phonenumber equals on type, the desired effect is I want
to wipe out a previous phonenumber of the same type before adding the new

My problem is that I can see the phoneNumber being successfully removed from
the list by putting debug calls at *1,*2 and *3 that checks on
getPhoneNumbers.size() ...and the method commits correctly.  But the rows
are still in the database.  Which if I call this method again will cause a
Duplicate Key exception from my DB.

Anyone knows why the remove() call doesn't seem to affect the db?

Note: I run within container transaction on this method.



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