Hi Patrick
   Just go thru the addressbook example provided in
the Orion CMP Primer within the documentation link on
www.orionserver.com site......what u get from
coolection is RMI objects that have to be collected in
an array and when u iterate thru the array u pick out
each rmi object and invoke its getID method to give u
the correct id......a unique one if UNIQUE index is
set or if its primary key..........
  I have a field by datatype NUMBER as i use Oracle
8.0i and its corresponding mapping field is
java.lang.Long ......i don;t see any problem in
  well try using Long istead of long

--- Patrik Andersson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I have a CMP entitybean named Category. It has a
> name and an id CMP field. I
> have added a finder method called findAll(),which
> orion very nicely added a
> <finder-method> tag in orion-ejb-jar.xml for me,
> that returns a
> java.util.Collection object. When I iterate that
> collection I get the name
> property from each Category object correctly read,
> but the id property is
> always 0. The SQL type in the database is INT with
> size 4. The return type
> of the ejbCreate method is long. The id is
> <primkey-field> and <cmp-field>.
> <primkey-class> is java.lang.Long. What am I
> missing?
> regards,
> Patrik Andersson

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