Title: RE: Dependents remove not supported

> It doesn't support ejbCreate either. The container never
> calls this method
> and if you have arguments (i.e. ejbCreate(String pleaseWork)  it would
> result in an error from Orion.

hmm, I have ejbCreate() with and without args.  While I never called
my DO's with args, it doesn't give an error.  I always call the
default ctor then use setters.  I ought to call the ctors with args
to see what happens.

> Relations between dependents are not supported. Orion returns
> an error on
> the abstract create method.

This is very true.  I discovered this some time ago - bug #185.

My solution to the DO issue was to use EJBs for everything.  This
may have been a good choice since DO's in the spec are under a lot
of fire and may be radically changed.  EJB->EJB calls within the
same container are optimized to local call-by-value method calls
(at least in orion), so speed between all these EJBs isn't much
of an issue.


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