I am working on a web-app (powered by Orion 1.4.5) that uses a jsp page
with several Java servlets included within it that do the more complex
computations. The jsp file has lines like: 
"<jsp:include page="/servlet/ExampleServlet" flush="true" />" that load
the servlets. This does a request on the servlet and inserts the HTML
they return at the include point.

The problem is that in one of the servlets I am trying to create some
cookies using the standard HttpServletResponse.addCookie(new
Cookie(name, val)) code. If I run the servlet directly without embedding
it in a jsp file then the cookies get created just fine. But when I try
to execute the servlet from within the jsp file, then the cookies do not
get created, even though I know that the addCookie() method is being
reached and executed. This same jsp and servlet combination worked and
created the cookies without problems when run under Allaire's JRun 2.3.
Is this an Orion bug? And can anyone think of a work around that won't
involve massive changes to how the code is organized?

 - Mike

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