Sounds like the flush=true is committing the response stream before you add
teh cookie. This is not a bug.

You have to add cookies before ANY part of the response is sent to the


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ostroff, Mike
> Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 7:03 AM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: Cookie creation bug (?) for servlet-including jsp files
> I am working on a web-app (powered by Orion 1.4.5) that uses a jsp page
> with several Java servlets included within it that do the more complex
> computations. The jsp file has lines like:
> "<jsp:include page="/servlet/ExampleServlet" flush="true" />" that load
> the servlets. This does a request on the servlet and inserts the HTML
> they return at the include point.
> The problem is that in one of the servlets I am trying to create some
> cookies using the standard HttpServletResponse.addCookie(new
> Cookie(name, val)) code. If I run the servlet directly without embedding
> it in a jsp file then the cookies get created just fine. But when I try
> to execute the servlet from within the jsp file, then the cookies do not
> get created, even though I know that the addCookie() method is being
> reached and executed. This same jsp and servlet combination worked and
> created the cookies without problems when run under Allaire's JRun 2.3.
> Is this an Orion bug? And can anyone think of a work around that won't
> involve massive changes to how the code is organized?
>  - Mike

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