Title: SV: Including jar files in my web app ?
Hi Magnus and others ofcourse,
It has been a while since this issue passed by, but that is because we have been struggling with it since.
I am still not able to include jar files that I put in my WEB-INF/lib dir, particular: velocity.jar.
Also someone else in this newsgroup has been busy with it, on orion 1.4.7, on the same application on a different machine and has the same problem.
BTW: I am able to use the jar when i put it in orion/config/application.xml with <library path...> it works but it contains a static class and I need one for every application.
 Everytime I get the error that it can't find the class (ClassDefNotFound).
What I tried:
- Just putting them in the WEB-INF/lib dir, but it can't find it.
- putting the velocity.jar in other places, like in the root of the application.
- jar file in the WEB-INF/lib and putting the following tag in the orion-web.xml:
        <classpath path="./WEB-INF/lib/" />
- and also tried
        <classpath path="./WEB-INF/lib/velocity.jar" />
- unpacking the jar and putting it in the WEB-INF/classes dir where the servlets are located in packages that I call through servlet ref's
- When I put the WEB-INF/lib/velocity.jar in the CLASSPATH, yes it does find it, but then all applications find the same velocity.jar and that doesn't work.!!!
- Tried to include the jar int the META-INF/application.xml:
 but is than complains:
Error auto-deploying application-client at velocity.jar: Unable to find/read assembly info for /home/development/sgs/velocity.jar (META-INF/application-client.xml)
The file exists and has the necessary tags, only it is empty as I don't know what to put in it.
- I find in the newsgroup archive, that solved the problem by starting orion with:
com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer insted through orion.jar
- I think I tried some more things.... but reallu nothing worked.
PLEASSE tell me how I can see where Orion looks for the jar file, as this problem is really driving my comletely nuts...!!
I found a lot of little things about this subject. I tried about everyting, but nothing helped. I lost the logic here, so hope that someone can help me out, here, otherwise I .....
Eddie :(

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 11:05 AM
Subject: SV: Including jar files in my web app ?

This is strange..
I have no problem with having a couple of jars in /WEB-INF/lib

> -----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
> Från: Court Demas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Skickat: den 5 april 2001 00:36
> Till: Orion-Interest
> Ämne: Re: Including jar files in my web app ?
> I just had a similar problem.  Orion saw classes *either* in
> WEB-INF/classes
> *or* in WEB-INF/lib.
> My solution was to either unpack all classes into
> WEB-INF/classes (removing the
> lib directory), or create one huge JAR file in WEB-INF/lib
> (removing the
> classes directory).
> I hope there's a better solution!
> court
> Eddie wrote:
> > I don't seem be able to tell Orion 1.4.7 te read my bla.jar
> that is located
> > in the WEB-INF/lib ??
> >
> > To me it's not really clear how to do that. The bla.jar is
> there but it
> > keeps giving an ClassDefNotFound error.
> > I also tried it with tablib (which is basically for JSP
> only not ???) but
> > that neither worked:
> > ---
> >         <taglib>
> >          <taglib-uri>bla</taglib-uri>
> >          <taglib-location>/WEB-INF/lib/bla.jar</taglib-location>
> >         </taglib>
> > ---
> >
> > What am I doing wrong ? and how can I see more in detail
> where is looking ??
> >
> > Ahhhh,
> > Eddie
> >
> > ----
> > bash-2.04$ pwd
> > /home/development/sgs/web/WEB-INF/lib
> > bash-2.04$ ll
> > total 428
> > -rwxr--r--    1 program  users      369846 Apr  4 17:01 bla.jar
> > bash-2.04$
> > -----------------

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