Yesterday, I brought information on the founders being
interviewed in a Swedish newspaper.  Today, with the
help of Tolken99, a Swedish English translation
software, I bring the interview in English
(translation software being what it is).


Young gains over IT-jättar

Of Inger Sundelin

ESKILSTUNA. For a good half of it two year then
decided himself Magnus Stenman and Chap Avedal in
order to start a own programutvecklingsföretag.

The first ordern took the in våras and today have the
customers all over the world. Unlike many other
it-företagare is it not miljonerna that entices most -
without that get be with that actuate front a
programutveckling with open standards there also the
big mjukvaruföretagen tvingas cooperate.

We hits Magnus Stenman and Chap Avedal over a cup
coffee in the kitchen at home at Magnus in Eskilstuna
there he live along with flickvännen Elin Bjällhage,
that also is part-owner in the company and ansvarar
for ekonomin. Something office have the not without
all sköts from home.

24-årige Chap, that last the datavetenskapliga the
education in Linköping, and 22-årige Magnus, that is
entirely self taught, träffades by a diskussionsgrupp
on The internet for programmer. Magnus had begun
develop a webserver entirely in Java - a gathering
grundverktyg that programmer use in order to build
e-handelsplatser and other advanced webblösningar -
and bid in Chap that be with.

After uppskattningsvis 14.000 hours of
programmeringsslit could the in våras teckna the first
ordern and now have the a 60-tal customers. Dutch
tevebolaget VPRO, the australiensiska sajten The, dryckestillverkaren Rode Bull and
norwegian Telenors Wap-tjänst in order to just take
some example.

And it without that the really satsat a sole crown on
marketing. Kunderna have actua sought up them.

- This is a thin market and all know to which that
exists there, says Chap. Furthermore lies all program
out on The internet as that being customers can
testköra them before the decides himself.

But how dares kunderna chose a small unknown
tvåpersonersbolag in front of multinationella company
that IBM or Oracle with loads of personnel?

- It's too really none that know that there just is we
two that stands behind Orionservern, says Magnus.
Furthermore builds our program on the same standard
that all other Javaapplikationsservrar as would the
become dissatisfied can the simple swap to a other

Chap supplements:
- In the first hand receives we customers on ours
technical merits, but we gains also sympati in order
to we is small and holds flame prices, says Chap. We
takes 1.500 dollars per license while BEA that is
marknadsledande with her program Weblogic takes about
30.000 dollars per license.

But why as a little? You would why be able to take ten
times so much paid and yet be half as expensive that
yours störste competitor.

- We think not that there shall cost more than as,
says Magnus and Chap with a mouth. It's some of our
philosophy that all shall have ability to use the
program, not just the with very money. We want to do
programvarumarknaden public for all and force the big
companies that follow after.

Now can the at last begin take out wages for her work
and next step becomes that employ a or two duktiga
programmer. Then must the obtain a truly office - and
on sikt maybe also a vd. All this want to Chap and
Magnus pay with own average. Some money utifrån is the
not intresserade of, all the same not in nuläget.

- We has got several offerings if riskkapital but we
have pervading thanked no, says Chap. With outsider
finansiärer would it ställas more requirements on us
and then became it less focus on the product.

Equally decidedly have the thanked no to propåer if
uppköp and employment.
- We want to satsa on this and do it on our ways. The
friheten can we not have if somebody else owns us or
that employees, says Magnus. Would it not go as know
we that we can get a new job in morning day.

 Dundersuccé not given in IT-branschen
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Elin Bjällhage, Magnus Stenman and Chap Avedal
tightens musklerna in the hard international
konkurrensen if programutveckling

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