Hi All,
I am trying to do an import of around 90,000 articles which involves creating 3 EJB's per article.  The server gets to around 6000 articles, then falls over giving me an OutOfMemory error.  Reading the list, it seems related to Orion's inablity to passivate EJB's.
I'm using 1.4.8, with JDK 1.3 on Win2000.
I have recently read postings instructing on how to use the max-instances parameter in orion-ejb-jar.xml.  I have tried this, but when I re-deploy, and take a look at the newly generated file, it never keeps my additions, and the problem still occurs during imports.
<entity-deployment name="com.backend.contentflow.ejb.User" location="com.backend.contentflow.ejb.User" wrapper="UserHome_EntityHomeWrapper16" table="com_backend_contentflow_ejb_User" data-source="jdbc/HypersonicDS" max-instances="100">
Am I putting this attribute in the right place?  Shouldn't I find it still there when I look at the newly generated orion-ejb-jar.xml?  There are no problems editing it to change SQL for finder methods, so why does it drop my changes to the entity references?
I have also tried writing a method in the bean which calls ejbPassivate, and calling that from the import code to force passivation when I'm done importing an article?  It doesn't seem to help (I'm probably showing my ignorance here) 
Is there a known way to force passivation other than this?
Much appreciated,

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