This is a perfect application for an EJB 2.0 home method.  Call the
finder from within the home method and filter the results.

Basically, you put in your Home interface:

public Collection thisIsAHomeMethod() throws RemoteException;

and you put in your implementation class:

public Collection ejbHomeThisIsAHomeMethod()

No need to add anything to the deployment descriptor.  If you want to
secure access, you can require different security roles for the finder
vs. the home method.

Jeff Schnitzer

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Armin Michel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 7:50 AM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: Re: custom finder in CMPs
> On Friday 04 May 2001 14:44, you wrote:
> > Commonly, developers build a Stateless Session EJB "facade" 
> through which
> > all access to Entity EJBs is accomplished. If you were to 
> employ such a
> > pattern, the method of this "facade" that invokes the CMP finder in
> > question would be an appropriate place to manipulate the 
> results before
> > returning them to the client. Have a look around for
> lots of information and discussions of EJB module design.

The facade-approach is no option, because someone could bypass that
and use the home interface directly. (Everybody must be able to access
JNDI - thus everybody has access to the Home-Interfaces too).

It would be cool, if I could hook the cmp-finder-Method in some way. Is
possible? Such a callback-solution would solve my problem.

Armin Michel

PS: Meanwhile I will have a look at

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