Hi all,

Firstly, we're having great luck with our adventures with Orion.  Most
everything works as advertised, and the performance is great-- particularly
the CMP EJB stuff.  Just thought I'd spew a little positivity.

Is there some way to include the application-deployments XML files with an
application?  By that I mean, fer instance, we've made all kinds of
modifications to orion-ejb-jar.xml to deal with our OR relationships, the
legacy database name mappings, etc.  orion-application.xml has a bunch of
custom settings too.  Were either of those to get wiped by an overzealous
Orion, we'd be... sad.  So, we're gonna back them up, but...

Do we need to manually make those changes after deploying the application on
another machine?  That seems a little goofy.  I'd hate to have to say to a
customer "OK, start it up, and then stop it, open this file up and
everywhere it says requestId, well, change that to request_id, blah blah,
and then restart it."


Rian Schmidt

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