All I can think of is that you have "common" mapped to the fetcher jar.  

You do close that tag starting with <%String don't you?

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/15/01 06:21pm >>>
On Mon, 14 May 2001, Joseph B. Ottinger wrote:

> As one who's done quite a bit with taglibs on Orion, I've never seen this
> kind of behavior at all. Ever. Any version. (Bugs with it, sure - but that
> was related to tag instantiation and not location.)
> More information? Samples?

Here's a snippet:

<%@ taglib uri="fetcher" prefix="ftcr" %>
<%@ taglib uri="ext" prefix="ext" %>
<%@ taglib uri="common" prefix="common" %>
<%@ page language="java" 
          blah blah


        <% String foo = "newscontent"; 

        <common:iterate id="match" 
                        collection="<%= foo %>">


Error parsing JSP page /pec/open/testfetch.jsp line 43

No tag named 'iterate' found in tag-library

Tomcat handles the WAR just fine.


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