
I've configured orion 1.4.8 datasource to MS Access DB through ODBC and
wrote a simple CMP ProductEJB and a couple of JSP to experiment on. The
first one to retrieve records works fine, it calls productHome.findAll().
Next JSP was supposed to add record to DB. It takes a HTML form fields and
calls productHome.create( id, name, group, fullName) that throws the

com.evermind[Orion/1.4.8 (build 10374)].server.rmi.OrionRemoteException:
Transaction was rolled back: Database error: java.sql.SQLException:
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in INSERT INTO

In ODBC log I found corresponding lines:

JAVA.EXE -jar o fde84813:fdf246d7 EXIT  SQLPrepare  with return code 0
  HSTMT               0x08f816d0
  UCHAR *             0x00712040 [      -3] "insert into ProductEJB (name,
group, fullName, id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)\ 0"
  SDWORD                    -3

JAVA.EXE -jar o fde84813:fdf246d7 ENTER SQLNumParams
  HSTMT               0x08f816d0
  SWORD *             0x08f0f878

JAVA.EXE -jar o fde84813:fdf246d7 EXIT  SQLNumParams  with return code 0
  HSTMT               0x08f816d0
  SWORD *             0x08f0f878 (4)

JAVA.EXE -jar o fde84813:fdf246d7 ENTER SQLBindParameter
  HSTMT               0x08f816d0
  UWORD                        1
  SWORD                        1 <SQL_PARAM_INPUT>
  SWORD                        1 <SQL_C_CHAR>
  SWORD                        1 <SQL_CHAR>
  UDWORD                   255
  SWORD                        0
  PTR                0x00712d60
  SDWORD                     7
  SDWORD *            0x00000000

JAVA.EXE -jar o fde84813:fdf246d7 EXIT  SQLBindParameter  with return code 0
JAVA.EXE -jar o fde84813:fdf246d7 ENTER SQLExecute
  HSTMT               0x08f816d0

JAVA.EXE -jar o fde84813:fdf246d7 EXIT  SQLExecute  with return code -1
  HSTMT               0x08f816d0

  DIAG [37000] [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in
INSERT INTO statement. (-3502)

As for me, I don't see any systax error in "insert into ProductEJB (name,
group, fullName, id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)\ 0"

Besides, this INSERT statement is made by orion, how could I affect it?

Any suggestions?

Max Bubnov

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