Does jbuilder still use the EJB 1.0 deployment descripter (.ser files) because
if it does I have a converter that's almost ready that should work. I've been
doing it for VisualAge Enterprise Edition 3.5. Let me know if that might work
for you and I'll let you know when I post it.

To get a working .ear file of the addressbook you can go to

I never succeeded with the one at, I could get the source, but
the .ear file never downloaded without corrupting, so if you want the one I put
together, it's at the location above.


Hasan wrote:

> hi,
> i have downloaded the addressbook example. however, i wonder where i should
> create the lib directory.
> i put all the example in the C:\TEST\addressbook folder while my orion is
> C:\orion.
> is there any tool that can help you to build the xml from the ones created
> by jbuilder?

Ben Christensen ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Novisum Development Inc.

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