I truly apologize in advance, but I just couldn't resist passing along this

On page 90 of the June 4 issue of ComputerWorld, there's an article,
"Encrypt Everything!"  You can see it online at

It begins, "Last week, word got out about a draft report from a committee
of the European Parliament regarding Echelon, the National Security
Agency's (NSA) system for eavesdropping on telephone calls, faxes and
e-mail messages. In the leaked report, the committee urges businesses and
even ordinary citizens to encrypt all e-mail to protect it from
unauthorized snooping. 
So why don't we? Why aren't we routinely using encryption on everything we
send out on the Internet already? Short answer: Because we don't believe we
need it."

Crazy?  Hah!  Well, okay, I am.  But, apparently, I have a lot of company.


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