If you want to see the java source files compiled from the jsp pages then add <development>true</development> to your web-application.xml file.  There was another thread that mentions this with additional information titled “Cached code”.  Karl Avedal was the responder.


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-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Wendell Nichols
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 10:20 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: debug jsp pages and where is the source


Well I made the jsp page work by explicitly importing "java.lang.String", as opposed to "java.lang.*" as I had done for other servers.  Because this shouldn't bother other servers I'm ok with it.
I still need to have access to the jsp.java files for debugging purposes before Orion will be an acceptable server for me...

Wendell Nichols
Amdahl Software Ltd.
Fujitsu Appserv.

Wendell Nichols wrote:

When I access a jsp page which uses a tag library I get an error:

500 Internal Server Error
Error parsing JSP page /ectsdemo/TagLibDemos/booklist.jsp line 15
Bean type 'String' not found

I suspect that this is a problem creating the java file from the jsp page related to the tag extra info class...  At any rate I can't find the source or class files that Orion generates from jsp pages so it's impossible to proceed.  Does anyone know how to make Orion place java and class files for jsp pages somewhere where they can be viewed and debugged?
I see jsp cache files which are probably some sort of java archive internal to Orion, but these don't help me as I can't open them...

Incidentally the jsp line that produced the above error looks like:

<ects:eCTSTaglet name="BOOKLIST" >

The taglib entry for eCTSTaglet:
        Run a named taglet.

Its TEI class :

  public VariableInfo[] getVariableInfo(TagData data) {
     return new VariableInfo []
           new VariableInfo("eCTSResult",
           new VariableInfo("EndMsg",
           new VariableInfo("ReturnMsg",

Any help would be appreciated..

Wendell Nichols
Amdahl Software Ltd.
Fujitsu Apserv.

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