
        development="false"                    <-- Change this to "true"

Then . . .

Assuming all things are equal and you have a default web app called
bound to the server you're working with, the persistence (and
subsequently the .java files
for the .jsp's) will be in the path:



will produce the files


peace - scot

Wendell Nichols wrote:
> Well I made the jsp page work by explicitly importing
> "java.lang.String", as opposed to "java.lang.*" as I had done for
> other servers.  Because this shouldn't bother other servers I'm ok
> with it.
> I still need to have access to the jsp.java files for debugging
> purposes before Orion will be an acceptable server for me...

... snip ...

> >
> > Any help would be appreciated..
> >
> > Wendell Nichols
> > Amdahl Software Ltd.
> > and
> > Fujitsu Apserv.


  scot weber - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Given a choice between a folly and a sacrament, one should
  always choose the folly -- because we know a sacrament
  will not bring us closer to God and there's always a chance
  that a folly will. - Erasmus

  The only man who never makes a mistake is the man who
  never does anything. - Theodore Roosevelt.

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