Hello Oliver,

Try deleting the orion-ejb.jar.xml in the application-deployments dir.
this will force orion to copy it again.
Monday, June 25, 2001, 6:55:33 AM, you wrote:

OS> Hi!

OS> Until now I hav been quite happy developing with oc4j  but this is
OS> becoming frustrating:
OS> according to orionsupport.com
OS> (http://orionsupport.com/articles/complex-or.html) the server should map
OS> CMP fields that are compound objects property by property (Strings) to
OS> db-columns if I put an orion-ejb-jar containing
OS>         <cmp-field-mapping name="userDataObject">
OS>                 <properties />
OS>         </cmp-field-mapping>
OS> into my ear. The directory where I have to put this file seems to have
OS> changed somewhere around the oracle-licensing but neither putting it in
OS> "myjar\META-INF" nor "myjar\orion" seems to affect the file created in
OS> the server-dir under "application-deployments". The server every time
OS> generates just
OS>         <cmp-field-mapping name="userDataObject"
OS> persistence-name="userDataObject" />
OS> and it maps my object to: "userDataObject LONG RAW null"

OS> The really bad thing about this is even the example from orionsupport is
OS> deployed this way.

OS> Did I oversee any option that controlls this mapping behaviour?

OS> Thank you in advance

OS> Oliver

Best regards,
 Rafael                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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