Have you tried a leading slash?

    file1 = getServletContext().getResource( "/WEB-INF/log4j.xml" );

What we do, is get the "real" path with:

     String realPath = this.getServletContext().getRealPath( "/WEB-INF/dir" );
     new File( realPath, fileName );

We do this because getResource() is so dependent on ClassLoaders.


> Hi,
> I wanted to port a (running) application from tomcat to orion. It seems
> my coding is not proper/portable.
> In my war-archive included (in WEB-INF subdirectory) are several
> text config files (yes I know JNDI is a better way -but its lowest common
> functionality) - and these files I want to access in my servlet code.
> Following servlet code does not find these files running in orion while 
> working fine with tomcat 3.2. 
> For a beginner: whats the correct way to load such files ?
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------
> package de.adig.vbh.wc.controller;
> ...
> public class UIMain extends HttpServlet {
> ...
>             file1 = getServletContext().getResource("WEB-INF/log4j.xml");
>             file2 =
> getServletContext().getResource("WEB-INF/wc-config.xml");
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------
> ==> both files are null in orion, but found in tomcat.
> files are in dir WEB-INF/ that is in a war-archive that is in an
> ear-archive.
> they got successfully unpacked by orion and can be seen in orionconsole
> Manfred Regele 
> ADIG Investment GmbH
> 22 Methoden&Tools
> Richard-Reitzner-Allee 2
> 85540 Haar
> Tel: 089/46268-308
> http://www.adig.de

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