I use a frontservlet.properties file in my web-inf directory which is picked
up by my front servlet (naturally). While testing the servlet, I renamed the
file to backServlet.properties, just to exercise the diagnostic code. To my
great surprise it made not difference: the servlet continued to find a file
called frontservlet.properties.

Digging deeper revealed that both frontServlet.properties and
backServlet.properties were present in  orion/applications/myapp. It seems
that when I auto-deployed my myapp.ear into applications/, the orignal file,
frontservlet.properties was not replaced, and the new file
backservlet.properties was added alongside it.

I deleted the old file to get my test over with, but does anybody know why
auto-deploy of myapp.ear does not discard everythng that was in
orion/applications/myapp ?

TIA Bill.

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