Be vary careful if you are going to use sql to modify entity beans that are
in memory! You have to perform those sql changes to the entity object
outside of any transaction involving said entity AND you must have an
orion-ejb-jar.xml file deployed that specifies in the entity-deployment that
the server does not have exclusive write access
(exclusive-write-access="false") to the DB. Something like this:
        <entity-deployment name="ejb/Address" location="ejb/Address"
wrapper="AddressHome_EntityHomeWrapper12" exclusive-write-access="false"
validity-timeout="300000" max-tx-retries="3" table="order_addresses"
isolation="committed" data-source="jdbc/OrderServiceEJB">

Otherwise when you shut down the server ejbStore() will be called and the
entity in memory will overwrite any changes made to the DB directly.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2001 8:50 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Code on entity bean being looked up from a session bean and
transaction rollback

Hi everyone,

I have a problem with a sequence like this

Stateless session bean (bit of sql in a function f1) and calls an
entity bean. When the entity bean fails the changes done by sql are
not rolled back. (But if sql fails the entity bean changes are rolled

So I tried another method suggested i.e. the sql was replcaed by
entity bean entity1 which was going to call entity22.

Suppose entity1 calls entity2 and entity2 fails, then there
is a rollback(for both), but when I shut down the server all the
changes which
were supposed to be rolled back are undone!

And another case when something in entity1 fails, the entity2 changes
are not rolled back and it looks like I am still back to square one.

Any idea if this is an orion bug or something? i would really love to
get down to the root of this problem. If I start writing sql code in
my session beans instead of using entity beans. Everything works out
perfectly well. But I still think that this is not a solution.

I still feel that even if I have my sql in the method of one
statelesss session bean and one entity update all should be able to
work. After all, the same code works in J2EE. I might probably be
missing something.

Hs anyone got a simple example on having a mix of sql and entity
updates in one method of a statelss(or stateful) bean which can do a
rollback it the entity fails.

Thanks in advance.

Kind Regards

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