Yes...we only use EJBUserManager, since its so easy to use.

We haven't had a problem with this issue. Just to make sure, check out your
orion-ejb-jar.xml. This could your problem.


the elephantwalker

.ps Also, did you do the group/role mapping? Rolemanager does roles,
Usermanager does groups, they have to map together to work. If you role is
not map to a group in the orion-ejb-jar.xml,  the usermanager and
rolemanager won't work together.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Aaron
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 6:51 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: EJBUserManager not working?

Has anyone even used the EJBUserManager successfully?

-----Original Message-----
From: Aaron Tavistock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 6:16 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: EJBUserManager not working?

I just setup the EJBUserManager, which seems like it would be a nice
alternative to the DataSourceUserManager for a newproject I'm working on.

Setting it up wasn't a problem -- Orion made the table, I've already got the
security constrints working, thats all fine.  But I do have a strange
problem, that doesn't make sense and is a huge stumbling block.

When I call the RoleManager.createPrinciple() do some operations and then
call an entity is created, but oddly the entity only
ever has a name (never a password or groups).

I thought this was annoying, but I figured that I could get the entity and
modify it directly using EJBUser.setPassword() and EJBUser.addToGroup().
Since EJBUser is an actual entity CMP EJB it should persist automatically.
But these don't stick either...

To add even more wierness into the mix, while I still have the original
principle reference I can authenticate as the user using
RoleManager.login().   But I can never reauthenticate as the user since the
password is NULL in the database, this seems to imply that the data is valid
in memory but is not being persisted.

A final important note is that I have no problems with EJBs in general, have
many CMP EJBs that work fine in the exact same deployment, so I'm pretty
sure its not the environment.

ANyone have any insight into the EJBUserManager?

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