post your ejb-jar.xml file so we can look at it...we need more info.


the elephantwalker

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jeanne
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2001 11:18 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: deployment
Importance: High

If this question has been posted before
please direct me to the archive location.
I did not find any reference to this problem.

I am using Sun's deploytool to create an ear file
that I want to deploy in orion.
The application deploys without difficulty with
the deploytool and Sun's default j2ee server.
(we're using jdk1.3.1 and j2sdkee1.3)
On my first try to deploy with Orion,
I get the following error message,
"Illegal use-caller-identity value, legal values are True and False.".
So I viewed the ejb-jar.xml file and found that the tag had no value.
Because the error msg gave me values I put 'False' in the tag
and saved the file.
Next I rebuilt the jar file with the modified ejb-jar.xml
and then rebuilt the ear file. I tried this with jar and winzip.
Now on to try and deploy with Orion again,
and this time I get the error message,
"Unable to find/read assembly info for
C:\temp\secondejb/mod-secondejb.ear/ejb-jar-ic.jar (META-INF/ejb-jar.xml)"

What has happened?

Thank you,

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