Hi Michael,

I apologize if any of the facts that I exposed on my mail seemed to you
to be a complain. My intention was to explain that I had sent two
messages to the list that I had not seen, just to warn people so if they
got too copies, they would know it was not intentional. And the second
part to let people know that I was not sure whether nobody was reading
my messages, or no one was actually using Orion JMS. I the way I
expressed it offended you, I apologize but I don't think it deserved
such a harsh response.

"Michael J. Cannon" wrote:
> What browser/MTA?
> Alos check the Oracle knowledge bank on OTN.oracle.com
> The server is up, the server is down...so what?  Your messages eventually
> make it here and you eventually get an answer.  You didn't pay anything for
> your answer, so quit complaining, or go to a support company (or switch and
> get a slower server or pay upwards of USD$6000 minimum for it.
> Your problem is that JMS and the agents for it aren't yet mature and,
> besides commercial ISVs, few use the libs.  Try the Sun and usenet lists,
> If you're having probs w/ Orion's JMS, perhaps you should try JBoss (slower)
> or Jakarta's or the Sun RI.
> Michael J. Cannon

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