Hi Kesav,

Thank you very much for your help, it was as simple as that.
Thanks again,

> Kesav Kumar wrote:
> If you want to get any resource in your Servlet/jsp you got define
> resource-ref in your web.xml.
> One basic information as long as you are in the same container you
> don't need any parameters to JDNI context.
> You need jndi.properties only when you try to access from outside the
> container.  Your servlets/jsp/ejb/applicationclient
> are in the same orion container so in all these components you can
> directly get JNDI context by
> Context ctx = new InitialContext();
> As long as you are in the same container there is no need for
> jndi.properties.
> Regarding the JMS you got define resource-ref in your web.xml.  Any
> container resource of ejb resource you want to use in web tier i.e in
> servlets/jsp you have to define resource-ref and ejb-ref
> correspondingly. For JMS which is a resource so you have to declare
> resource-ref in your web.xml like the following.
>         <resource-ref>
> <res-ref-name>jms/theQueueConnectionFactory</res-ref-name>
>                 <res-type>javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory</res-type>
>                 <res-auth>Container</res-auth>
>         </resource-ref>
>         <resource-ref>
>                 <res-ref-name>jms/myQueue</res-ref-name>
>                 <res-type>javax.jms.Queue</res-type>
>                 <res-auth>Container</res-auth>
>         </resource-ref>
> Inside your servlet/jsp for connection factory lookup for
> jms/theQueueConnectionFactory and for queue lookup for jms/myQueue.

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