
My app is a thick client replacement with J2EE web-ified functionality
where 3000+ clients will login and stay logged in all day.

I'm wanting to reduce the number of session objects as a result of so
many concurrent sessions.  I plan on keeping a per session business
deligate manager, but make the DAO instances static thus shared amoung
all sessions since my DAO's are re-entrant.

I'm concerned about sharing a single SB remote interface amoung all 
sessions (Threads)???

Of course SSB remote interfaces will need to be tied to that session!!

What about the few Entities that might be accessed from the web tier?
<reentrant> vs not reentrant Entities??

I wish the EJB spec was clearer about reentrancy of the remote
interface or maybe someone can shed some light??

Thanks alot to the orion mail list.


Curt Smith
(w) 404-463-0973
(h) 404-294-6686 

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