
Does the Orion Admin Tool create the orion-application.xml or do you? If the
tool is creating this xml file then I would suggest that you delete the old
one before invoking the tool. Another suggestion is move the <library
path="../lib"/> tag from orion-application.xml to an application.xml for
your application specially if they are not shared  with other applications
(yours and third party's). 


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Hubbach [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 10:35 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: orion-application.xml


Here's a URL inside Orion's site that has a description of the
orion-application.xml file:

If you still have questions and know how to read a dtd, you can look at
the dtd for this file. It's at:

If this is the documentation you have already looked at and are not
satisfied with, then I suggest you go browse through Oracle's
documentation of OC4J. I've looked at some of it, and it seems to be
clearer than Orion's own documentation to a point.


On Thu, 13 Sep 2001 12:58:11 +0100
"OMurchu, Oisin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm having a problem deploying to Orion, which causes the deployment
> time to increase over time, and eventually the jvm orion is in to run
> out of memory. Basically, I'm using ANT to deploy, calling the Orion
> admin tool (com.evermind.client.orion.OrionConsoleAdmin) and passing the
> relevant parameters into it. The EAR file I'm deploying includes a lib
> directory, with all of the required extra jar files in it (utilities,
> etc). In order for orion to use these when loading a bean, I put the
> line <library path="../lib"/> into orion-application.xml, between the
> <persistence/> and <principals/> tag. Orion does indeed load up the jar
> files as expected, so that works. 
> The problem is that each time I deploy, the number of  <library
> path="../lib"/> tags at least doubles, and at one stage I was left with
> over 500 <library path="../lib"/> tags in the orion-application.xml
> file. At this stage, the server slowed to a crawl, and either took
> several minutes to load up the beans, or else crashed. 
> Has anybody come across this behaviour? And what can I do about it?
> And does anybody know of a good source of documentation on the various
> configuration options available for Orion, as I find it is poorly
> documented in all areas. Maybe the people at IronFlare could get their
> act together from counting all the money from Oracle, and produce a
> decent, (even semi-)professional set of documentation.
> Regds.,
> Oisín.

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