
Go to, and join, its free.

Post your server.xml and default-web-site.xml. If you deploy with the admin
tool, get these files from the config directory after you have deployed your
app. Also post your web.xml from your war, your ejb-jar.xml from your
ejb.jar, and your application.xml from your ear.

This sounds like a simple deployment issue. Only way to figure out where
you've gone south is to check the files.


the elephantwalker

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Prashant
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 11:39 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: orion-application.xml

Hi Oisin,
        For deploying bean, I'm using approach similar to you. A session
bean has been deployed on Orion and I want to access it from a servlet with
the desired result passed by the bean to servlet. Problem is :-
          The servlet is not getting access to the bean with the browser
showing message "You are not authorised to use this page"

I'm using ANT for bean development(with proper dir struct proposed for ANT
users) and deployment. Also the servlet(.war) file is in the .EAR file. Both
the bean and servlet are deployed in Orion's environment using its admin
I'm also associating .war file (for servlet) to default website using admin
tool so that servlet can be invoked from the browser.
 Orion auto deployment creates
orion-application,orion-web.xml,orion-ejb-jar.xml files in its default
/applications-deployment dir. Also Orion shows successful bean deployment in
the default /application dir

where I'm going wrong or missing any tag entry in any of the discriptor
files. My requirment is to access bean and get result on the servlet page.

Are there any alternative/diffrent approach to what I'm following. Or are
there any links that would saught my problem.Its very urgent.

Thanks & Regards

-----Original Message-----
From: OMurchu, Oisin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 5:28 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: orion-application.xml

I'm having a problem deploying to Orion, which causes the deployment
time to increase over time, and eventually the jvm orion is in to run
out of memory. Basically, I'm using ANT to deploy, calling the Orion
admin tool (com.evermind.client.orion.OrionConsoleAdmin) and passing the
relevant parameters into it. The EAR file I'm deploying includes a lib
directory, with all of the required extra jar files in it (utilities,
etc). In order for orion to use these when loading a bean, I put the
line <library path="../lib"/> into orion-application.xml, between the
<persistence/> and <principals/> tag. Orion does indeed load up the jar
files as expected, so that works.
The problem is that each time I deploy, the number of  <library
path="../lib"/> tags at least doubles, and at one stage I was left with
over 500 <library path="../lib"/> tags in the orion-application.xml
file. At this stage, the server slowed to a crawl, and either took
several minutes to load up the beans, or else crashed.
Has anybody come across this behaviour? And what can I do about it?

And does anybody know of a good source of documentation on the various
configuration options available for Orion, as I find it is poorly
documented in all areas. Maybe the people at IronFlare could get their
act together from counting all the money from Oracle, and produce a
decent, (even semi-)professional set of documentation.



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