This week:
 - upcoming build
 - new documents available
 - upcoming documents

Upcoming build
First of all, a great THANK YOU to this community for hanging in there
during this tough period.
Within a few days we will publish a new build.
Starting with this build we will go back to releasing builds more
The reason for the delay of this build was caused by the need of core
changes due to the major changes that the specifications has undergone in
the last couple of months. Core parts had to be rewritten in order to move
forward with the new specifications without loosing the position as one of
the fastest Containers out there.

New Documents available
This week we released the following documents:

- Application-deployment instructions
  including instructions for deployment through Console, admin.jar, Ant and
manual procedure

- Web-module binding instructions
  Including instructions for binding through Console, admin.jar, Ant and
manual procedure

- Access-log formatting instructions
  Including common formats

- Deployment-mode instructions
  Including auto-compile, reloading and debugging

The documents are linked in from the main document at
but can also be accessed directly using the links given for each document

We have conformed to a new documentation format that is close to the style
presented by Ernst Jollem in his excellent Orion Primers. Please let us know
if the styles used does not conform with the browser you are using.

In a short period of time we hope to have converted most of the existing
documents to XML so that we can then supply our users with the option to
browse/download the documentation as PDF:s.

Upcoming documents
- RMI Configuration
- Remote access of EJB
- Application clients
- Security
- Using Orion with IBM Visual Age (James and Ron McGee)
- SSL clustering
- EJB clustering
- HTTP clustering details
- Using ResourceProvider

Please send us any request for documentation that you would like to see to

The Orion team

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