The threading model on linux is such that each new java thread spawns a 
new process.

This is normal behaviour with Java on linux; it's not an Orion thing. 
There is no memory leak in Orion or Java. If there is memory being 
consumed, I would start looking to be sure you're freeing up resources 
in your code (i.e., closing JDBC connections, etc.).

If you're running orion as a daemon on an ISP's unix machine, then I 
wouldn't be surprised if they kill it just as part of policy, unless 
they specifically permit user-run daemons.


korosh wrote:

> Why does orion 1.3.8 runnin off of linux spawning bunch of Java processes
> where as on Solaris there is only one Java Process?
> Also, it seems that the java process eventually consume so much memory that
> my ISP shuts down the process.
> Is there a memory leak with Orion 1.3.8 running on Linux with sun jdk 1.3.0
> ???

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