
I've tried a simple EJB2.0 Realationship with Orion 1.5.3 and it failed. For
me it seems that the orion server simply ignores my Relationship (no
additional fields or table is generated :-(((

Here's the snippet from my ejb-jar.xml

    <!-- This file is included by the process management Relationship
addon -->
        ONE-TO-MANY: Order LineItem



I know that there are some problems with bidirectional relationships in the
past and I have read some complains about fine grained Bugs that give me the
strong feeling that CMRs should work.

Anyone out there who has managed to build Related EJBs ?

BTW: The Bean itself works fine (CMP with Oracle 8.x) but if I add the
snippet above to my ejb-jar.xml it is ignored by Orion :-((

By Stefan

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