hi list,
 please bear with me as i am a beginner,i have a web-application that i want
to migrate to orion frm tomcat

in tomcat i have a context under webapps called "myproject".under this dir i
have the usual web-inf/classes.i place myt servlets in this folder and map
the servlet path thro the web.xml file

now the problem is when i create a context under default-web-app of orion
called "myproject" and create web-inf/classes and place my class files,orion
does not find the classes.now my ques is which xml file do i modify????

one more problem.we are using model-2 framework and my main controller file
is a servlet,and i have a number of other utility servlets too ,in tomcat i
have mapped the servlet path thro the web.xml file...i.e i call my servlets
like this


tomcat has no problem...but i cannot call the servlet in orion like
this..what do i do???

if i place the servlets under default-web-app/web-inf/classes and i call

http://localhost:8080/servlet/ControllerServlet  then it works..but if i
have to do this then i have to change the code,which i do not want to do

please help me!!!


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