   I had the same problem.
   It was because of the browser.

   JSP location: http://myserver.com/Init.jsp

   The JSP redirected to the Servlet after it does it's job. BUT!
   The redirection went to:
   The browser (IE) did not recognize this to be the same server and
restarted the sessionID.
   So Orion thinks it is a different client.

   Test: try to access the JSP via: http://www.myserver.com/Init.jsp
   Then the redirect should work.
   Another problem is, that the Session cookie is bound to a start location:
   Cookie: JSessionID=1235r4123; path=/RootContextPath.
   Again the browser dows not recognize this cookie to be sent, when you try
to access /servlet/*
   That is why I was forced to use filters, so that
/RootContextPath/MyServletService/* was bound to MyServlet, and it worked.

   Try these things. They might help.
   Additional info is required for further investigation.

   May the shade of the tree strengthen you.


> I have a JSP and a Servlet in the same war file.  Both URLs have been
> with security-constraints in the web.xml.  When hitting the JSP first I am
> prompted to authenticate, which is expected behaviour.  After
> I then goto the Servlet and I am then again redirected to the login form
> asked to authenticate.  Has anyone else had this problem?  Seems like
> in the same war file the first authentication of the session should work
> the entire war file.
> Thanks

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