Thanks Daniel , I will give it a try.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Daniel López" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 8:38 AM
Subject: Re: Monitoring web apps

> Hi Eddie,
> Here it goes:
> .- Environment -> An apache web server configured with mod_proxy and
> SSI, running in port 80. Several orion instances with applications
> running in other ports.
> .- in httpd.conf ->
> ...
> <VirtualHost _default_:80>
>     ProxyVia On
>     # Proxy configuration for the different applications
>     # Application X
>     ProxyPass /nameX
>     ProxyPassReverse /nameX
>     # Application Y
>     ProxyPass /nameY
>     ProxyPassReverse /nameY
>     # Error configuration for the "Cannot establish connection case"
>     ErrorDocument 502 /SSIErrorHandler.shtml
> </VirtualHost>
> ...
> .- Then the SSIErrorHandler.shtml looks like ->
> <!-- Define application paths -->
> <!-- Define the path for application X -->
> <!--#set var="appX" value="/^\/nameX/" -->
> <!-- Define the path for application Y -->
> <!--#set var="appY" value="/^\/nameY/" -->
> ...
> <!--
>      Check which was the redirected path and include the appropriate
>      error page
> -->
> <!-- If the original url was from application X -->
> <!--#if expr="$REDIRECT_URL=$appX" -->
>         <!-- Include the "app X is not running, sorry" error page -->
>         <!--#include file="localApacheDirX/index.html" -->
> <!-- If the original url was from application Y -->
> <!--#elif expr="$REDIRECT_URL=$appY" -->
>         <!-- Include the "app Y is not running, sorry" error page -->
>         <!--#include file="localApacheDirY/index.html" -->
> <!-- Error in an application with no specific message defined -->
> <!--#else -->
>         <!-- Include the "this app is not running, sorry" error page -->
>         <!--#include file="localApacheDirCommon/index.html" -->
> <!--#endif -->
> And that's pretty much all. Just some catches:
> .- In the Error pages, ALL the links have to be absolute and start with
> a different name than the proxied path. Otherwise you get an infinite
> loop between the proxied page and the error page. So make sure that
> nameX and localApacheDirX are ALWAYS different and that all links in
> localApacheDirX/index.html start with /localApacheDirX or http://.
> .- If inside the applications you want to get the real remote IP instead
> of the proxy one, then you can use, for example, the mod_proxy patch
> written by Bjoern Hansen which includes the original IP in an http
> header (X-Forwarded-For). We used it because we needed to implement IP
> based security restrictions, which are not defined in the JSDK spec. We
> also used this IP based security restrictions to prevent acces to the
> applications by-passing the proxy, which is very important with SSL
> protected applications.
> .- It also works with ssl.
> .- To improve performance, you can also use the apache proxy as
> proxy-cache, to get the static content faster, but then be careful not
> to allow it to cache the dynamic pages you don't want to be cached. And
> make sure you have enough disk space ;).
> .- We haven't specified and ErrorDocument directive for the code 500
> (internal server error) because we wanted to be able to see this kind of
> messages, but you can put it later on to show more graceful messages.
> .- We use SSI to define the error hanlding page, but you could use a JSP
> if you wished. We just did it to have a light weight proxy with no
> special add ons.
> I hope it helps,
> D.
> Eddie wrote:
> >
> > Daniel,
> >
> > The way you do this with Apache sounds very nice.
> > I like to know how you configure Apache to redirect to another page when
> > something goes wrong.
> > Could you submit a little example please ?
> >
> > Eddie
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Daniel López" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 2:23 PM
> > Subject: Re: Monitoring web apps
> >
> > > Hi David,
> > >
> > > We don't have a sophisticated system, but it works well for us. What
> > > do is put an Apache web server, acting as a proxy, in front of the
> > > server. Then, in the proxy configuration you can specify a redirect
> > > in case something goes wrong, and we use it to redirect to a SSI
> > > that determines which application is down and which page should be
> > > as an error message. This way you show automatically an error message,
> > > just by shutting down orion or by returning a 500 code from your
> > > application.
> > > I hope it helps,
> > > D.
> > >
> > >
> > > David Pérez Villanueva wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Hi!
> > > >
> > > > We have several applications running  in  an Orion web server. Our
> > > > server is allocated in a hosting corporation. They have a program
> > > > queries our PCs with an url , calling us if there is the word
> > > > (or similar) in response.
> > > >
> > > > What is the problem? We need something that will check our
> > > > and will build a html page (or plain text, or anything) with the
> > > > result. Does anybody know any good software to do this? (We have two
> > > > PCs: one with Windows 2000 server and  another with Linux).
> > > >
> > > > Thankyou for your support.
> > >
> > >

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